pod marlow is a friendly and professional, sports injury, podiatry and chiropody clinic

Welcome to pod marlow. Founded in 2006, the pod clinic originally offered biomechanical analysis and podiatry services for sports and general health. We are pleased to offer a full chiropody service to give you total care from the feet upwards. Our fully trained specialists can diagnose and treat a range of problems from corns, nail care and athletes foot, to plantar fasciitis, achilles tendonitis and orthotic prescriptions.


Podiatry Clinic

Our experienced podiatrists diagnose and treat conditions of the lower limbs and feet for people of all ages, from children to the elderly.



Sports Injury Clinic

We specialise in video gait analysis, biomechanical assessments, orthotic prescription, shoe selection and comprehensive treatment plans.



Chiropody Clinic

Our qualified chiropodists treat all foot conditions from general nail care, to diabetic foot checks. We also offer the New SWIFT verruca treatment.


Whatever your sport, age, concern or injury pay us a visit and let pod marlow get you back on your feet.

"I was stunned by the level of detail that the analysis equipment was able to capture.
I was able to clearly see what was happening to my hips as I ran and understand how this was causing pain."

Mr R Armstrong

"It was interesting to learn that my feet were not identical and performed quite differently.
The thermal image and direction of movement through each foot were clearly shown in the results.
A pair of custom footbeds now succesfully balances this out."

Mr Browne

"pod marlow found the cause of my ongoing problems and very efficiently found solutions.
I am now pain-free and more active that I've been for years!"

Mrs A Williams